Saturday, April 21, 2007

Of Reporters and Vampires...

There has been a lot of outcry this week in the United States about the horror that devastated thirty-one young lives at Virginia Tech University. It is a tragic moment indeed. What is interesting is that only the alternative press pointed out the fact that in the ten days prior to the Virginia Tech massacre, thirty-two other American lives and literally hundreds of Iraqi lives were just as senselessly and violently ended in Iraq. Only Keith Olbermann got it right that very night. What about those lives?

How is it that all of our flags are not flying at half mast everyday for the now 3,319 American lives lost in Iraq so far? Do the families of those who have died for the intentional misrepresentations and bravado of this "administration" grieve less than the families of those students? Why is there no proportional national outcry about the madmen in this "administration" who have lied and cheated their way into power and destroyed thousands of lives to preserve it?

Seeing George W. Bush continue to justify the carnage in Iraq sickens me just as much as seeing the now infamous madman Cho ranting in his final video. I cannot see much difference. Can you?

As many parasites in the media continue to feast on the blood sacrifice in Virginia, pontificating and psychoanalyzing day after day, the thugs in the Executive Branch go on with their endless crimes against the earth and humanity. The members of the press corps should stop and reflect upon which masters they really serve. Who really benefits from this vampiristic usurpation of our collective attention?

Shouldn't we be hearing more about the catastrophic failure of "Bush's surge" in Iraq? Shouldn't we really be hearing more about the undermining of our Democracy and our Justice System by administration marionettes like Alberto Gonzales? If we heard proportional coverage of his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he obfuscated the truth for hours in order to protect his handlers in the White House, then perhaps we as a nation could channel our outrage in a more effective manner.

Speaking of that squirming and pathetic display, when was the last time any of us have heard such a bunch of crap? Well Senators, uh... We "don't recall."

Adam Trombly